Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Artists making action:

  • FutureFarmers- digital/new media. representations of individuality, social networks. games, virtual exploration of real issues. ecology, relationships, opinions. making maps of culture.
  • YOUgenics
    travel office?
  • ArtOfficial Construction Media
  • Center for Land Use Interpretation
  • Center for tactical Magic - interventions like the cricket-activated defense system, and the jacket signfy a simultenaeity between action/fabrication and symbolism/metaphor.
  • Furtherfield - not sure
  • Critical Art Ensemble- producing/distributing information as a revolutionary act. theories that are tied to interventions, where the intervention may be only located at a specific moment in time and the theory continues to spur new thought.
    (cf. Foucault on knowledge and power.)
  • subRosa- women artists dealing with issues like the digital divide.
  • On Ramp Arts
  • Institute for Applied Autonomy - digital networks, psychogeography, public space/access, surveillance
  • Carbon Defense League
  • Next 5 Minutes - tactical media conference, addresses commercialisation and design issues.
  • Glowlab - remember them from such moments as flash mobs, etc
  • FeelTank Chicago - not a thinktank but a feeltank
  • My Dad's Strip Club - they also participated in conglomco's diesel action.
  • Trevor Paglen- Multimedia artist working with questions about community, public sphere/space, and militarization. Known for his piece "goatsucker".
  • Versionfest - Invincible desire is the theme for 05. Collectives coming together, gathering as in the form of an (gallery) opening, a (academic) conference, a (activist) demonstration. ideally, participants share strategies, notes on what's worked, what gave them trouble, and emerge engergized/inspired.
  • beatriz da costa has ben working this field for a while
  • also, unsure
  • temporary services- as their name implies, specialists in tactical intervention. love the irrigation/seeding devices
    cf ryan griffis
  • red76 don't know too much yet. their samizdat-factory at the RNC is perfect though.
  • praba pilar- seems pertinent, will need to check her stuff out more closely.
  • the JAP
  • Summit of Interventionist Art - at the anti-g8 protests in Evian, was that 02 or 03?

Thursday, March 10, 2005

building a working glossary: hypercommodity

so this essay is one of the results google provided for a search on "hypercommodity" courtesty of Professor Edbauer at the UT in addition to this slightly complicated-to-nativigate site ... edits to this post will all ref "hypercommodity" or Baudrillard in some way