Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Chapter 2: Public Space

Gran Fury Poster, "The Government has Blood on its Hands", 1988. Offset Lithography

"Hand painting in a limestone cave below the Nullarbor Plain" credit: John White

Claes Oldenburg, "spoonbridge"

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

more on public art, 4/13

Monday, April 11, 2005

tracking back

Central to this analysis: littoral art- Bruce Barber writes "Sentences on littoral Art" in 1998.

littoral, limnal, fringe, anti-art, new genre public art, critical art practice, praxis,


Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Artists making action:

  • FutureFarmers- digital/new media. representations of individuality, social networks. games, virtual exploration of real issues. ecology, relationships, opinions. making maps of culture.
  • YOUgenics
    travel office?
  • ArtOfficial Construction Media
  • Center for Land Use Interpretation
  • Center for tactical Magic - interventions like the cricket-activated defense system, and the jacket signfy a simultenaeity between action/fabrication and symbolism/metaphor.
  • Furtherfield - not sure
  • Critical Art Ensemble- producing/distributing information as a revolutionary act. theories that are tied to interventions, where the intervention may be only located at a specific moment in time and the theory continues to spur new thought.
    (cf. Foucault on knowledge and power.)
  • subRosa- women artists dealing with issues like the digital divide.
  • On Ramp Arts
  • Institute for Applied Autonomy - digital networks, psychogeography, public space/access, surveillance
  • Carbon Defense League
  • Next 5 Minutes - tactical media conference, addresses commercialisation and design issues.
  • Glowlab - remember them from such moments as flash mobs, etc
  • FeelTank Chicago - not a thinktank but a feeltank
  • My Dad's Strip Club - they also participated in conglomco's diesel action.
  • Trevor Paglen- Multimedia artist working with questions about community, public sphere/space, and militarization. Known for his piece "goatsucker".
  • Versionfest - Invincible desire is the theme for 05. Collectives coming together, gathering as in the form of an (gallery) opening, a (academic) conference, a (activist) demonstration. ideally, participants share strategies, notes on what's worked, what gave them trouble, and emerge engergized/inspired.
  • beatriz da costa has ben working this field for a while
  • also, unsure
  • temporary services- as their name implies, specialists in tactical intervention. love the irrigation/seeding devices
    cf ryan griffis
  • red76 don't know too much yet. their samizdat-factory at the RNC is perfect though.
  • praba pilar- seems pertinent, will need to check her stuff out more closely.
  • the JAP
  • Summit of Interventionist Art - at the anti-g8 protests in Evian, was that 02 or 03?

Thursday, March 10, 2005

building a working glossary: hypercommodity

so this essay is one of the results google provided for a search on "hypercommodity" courtesty of Professor Edbauer at the UT in addition to this slightly complicated-to-nativigate site ... edits to this post will all ref "hypercommodity" or Baudrillard in some way

Saturday, February 26, 2005

critical art practice

article on critical art practice in Art Journal, interview w/ G. Sholette and others.